Example files for Atoms are provided bellow, with a list of project files, and a list of workspace files (collection of projects).
- Atomes workspace files, collection of projects (*.awf, archived in *.tar.bz2 for download)
- Atomes project files (*.apf, archived in *.tar.bz2 for download)
Nickel-Phthalocyanine molcules, 512 atoms
Nickel-Phthalocyanine molecules, 320 000 atoms
Example 7 from the DL-POLY manual: 124078 atoms, 21 MD steps, NPT ensemble
Ribosomal subunit from Deinococcus radiodurans complexed with the pleuromutilin derivative SB-571519, 59 610 atoms
gSiO2 with ring statistics and custom color map, 3000 atoms
gSiO2 glass, 3 000 000 atoms
Modified gSiO2 glass after surface creation and passivation (by H2O and S atoms) 2 480 752 atoms